Κυριακή 10 Ιουνίου 2018

Dear reader

May 23rd, 2018
Dear reader,
the pupils of the 6th grade of the 47th Primary School of Piraeus are writing to tell you about their work on this blog and the purpose of their project... 

Spyros  Protopsaltis
Well, I've been very busy lately. I've been studying for my English class and I feel a bit tired. We have worked with our teacher for a blog on the Internet and we did the football theme. So, for the time being there's no time for sports and hobbies! Happy summer vacation and have a great time! Kisses to the family!

Helen Arida
I have worked on a project on computers. First of all, we created different groups. Each group collected information about England. Then, some students from each team presented our project. It was amazing! We learnt interesting things and we discussed all together. In addition, we learnt to use computers better. Talk to you later!

Xenia Kouveli 
Two weeks ago, our English teacher told us to do a project. So, I, Briselda and John started to do it. We searched for a while to select information about it. Then, we started to write the text. he first music band was Pink Floyd and the second was the Beatles. We wrote when the bands started singing and about their songs. Then we found some photos of their bands and some videos, too. My classmates have been very collaborative and good so we finished early. Thanks Briselda and John very much!

Elpida Boutzia 
I've been a member of a school project that our English teacher asked us to do on England. We separated in groups of two or three and every group had to collect information about different subjects like English culture, the sights, the football teams and the royal family. I with my classmates Eva and Olga gathered some information about the sights like the Big Ben, the London Tower, the British Museum etc. There are so many things you can find about England but we focused on the most important. My cooperation with my two classmates was very good and they helped me a lot. Ii hope the result is good.

Eva Tetorou
My English class at school has undertaken  a project about England. We have been divided in five groups and we have been working in the computer lab for two weeks. my group has written about the sight of England. The other groups have written about the music, culture, football teams and the royal family of England. This blog will be uploaded on our English class blog. Also, we will present it to the other classes of the school.
I am very excited and enthusiastic about the project and I hope that everybody likes it! Tell us your opinion about it!

 Natalie Katapodi 
We are doing a project about England. It's cool. My team and I have the culture/drama, to work on. My other classmates work on other things, like sights, music, sports ans the Royal family. In my team are Ambra, George and me, of course!
I am so stressed because we have to show it to everyone at school! I have to go now! Drop a line soon! Bye!

Olga Agrafioti
I've been working on a project for the English lesson. the project is about the sights of England. We are working in a team with my classmates Eva and Elpida.
At first, we saw a video containing ten English sights. We chose five of them. I wrote about the Tower Bridge and the Edinburgh castle. Then, we wrote important facts for each of the sights. In the end, we wrote a small text for each one.
I am excited with the project! I hope you be, too!

Angela Mathioudaki  
I and my English class at school made a blog Great Britain. We were divided in teams. The teams were: 'Drama', 'Royal family', 'Football', 'Music', 'Sights'. I was in the royal family team with three kids. This project was amazing and we learnt many things about Great Britain. I hope to do this again in the future!

John Lambropoulos
In our school, our English teacher separated us in 5 teams. My team had as a topic the British music.
My team has written an article about the Beatles and the Pink Floyd. We are going to present our project at the end of the school year! I hope you come and see us, too!