Drama / Culture

  The writers of Great Britain  

  Shakespeare in a nutshell!

Group members:Ampra,Natalia,George

In this text we will talk about two famous writers.
The first one is William Shakespeare,and the second one is Charles Dickens.
Both of them were writers,one of them was a poet, an author and an actor.
William Shakespeare had his own theatre. Charles Dickens created some of the world’s best known fictional characters.Charles left school to work in a factory when his father was incarcerated in a debtor’s  prison.

Group members:
George Arilakis,Steve Semertzis,Mary-Anne Theocharopoulou,Mary Patapi
Oscar Wilde was born on October 16,1854 in Ireland. 
He died on  November 30, 1900 in France. His most famous quotes are:
‘’Be yourself , everyone else is already taken",
"Resist everything except temptation",
"We are all in the gutter , but some of us are looking at the stars.’’
He is a world famous writer. Some of his works are
'A house of pomegranates',
'The model millionaire',
'The happy prince and other tales' ,
'The Canterville ghost'

George Orwell was born on 25 June 1903 and he died on 21 January 1950.
He was an author and he wrote six books.
The most famous books was ' Coming Up For Air' in 1939 and 'The Animal Farm'
in 1945. Also he has written the' Burmese days', the 'Clergyman’s Daughter',
'Keep The Aspidistra Flying' and the 'Nineteen Eighty Four'

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